Website for a Client

Github link

This was one of my projects during college that I found particularly enjoyable. I worked in a group on this project, which involved approaching local businesses and offering to build them a website for free. We were able to secure a local bar/brewery that had recently opened as a client and held meetings with them to understand their website requirements. Unfortunately, halfway through the semester, they stopped responding to us and we were unable to meet with them. As a result, our professor acted as the lient for the remainder of the semester. We later found out they paid for a site to be made after we made our agreement due to lack of communication on their end of the two owners.

Despite this setback, my group and I were determined to make the best of the situation. We divided the workload by assigning tasks based on our individual strengths. One member had strong written skills but limited web development experience, so we had him lead on project reports and diagramming while the rest of the group focused on building the website. I took the lead on development and distributed tasks to the rest of the group. However, despite regular check-ins and assurances that tasks were on track to be completed on time, my group members struggled to meet their deadlines. This resulted in me having to take on a larger portion of the workload, including building the main page, menu page, connecting to the database, and creating a secure login page for the administrator.

This experience taught me a valuable lesson about the importance of keeping a team on task and on schedule. It was challenging to have to take on so much of the workload on my own, but it also allowed me to gain valuable skills in PHP, database management, website security, and deploying the code to a live server. Overall, I am grateful for the experience and the lessons learned.

below are a few images from the website:

Database data:

Edit the Database data:

Menu pulling data from Database


  1. Home

My personal links

  1. GitHub
  2. LinkedIn
  3. Contact me